The Agenda for the April NP Council meeting is now online and documents are beginning to be become available, including the State of Alaska’s petition to the Alaska Supreme Court to repeal the Ninth Circuit’s decision that Cook Inlet and the other state salmon fisheries that overlap with federal waters (Alaska Peninsula and Prince Willam Sound) will need to be managed under a federal fishery management plan (FMP). The petition also argues that the Ninth Circuit’s decision would also apply to and require an FMP for other non-salmon fisheries overlapping with federal waters that NMFS previously deemed are better managed by the State. This would include the Tanner crab fishery in the Gulf of Alaska and lingcod throughout Alaska. Also on the agenda for the April meeting is a discussion Read more…
Chatham Sablefish Survey
The Alaska Longline FIshermen’s Association asked me to distribute this SURVEY for Chatham permit holders to Chatham permit holders. If you are willing to answer the survey, please send it back to [email protected].
NSEI Industry Meeting 3.3.17
ADF&G will be holding an industry sablefish fishery for the NSEI sablefish fishery on Friday, March 12-5pm. The agenda will include a review of the fishery and survey CPUEs, the age assessment model and outlook for 2017, a discussion on future fieldwork and surveys, and more. You can participate via Webex, or at the following locations: Sitka–University of Alaska Southeast, Room 229, 1332 Seward Ave, Sitka, AK, 99835 Petersburg–Tides Inn Conference Room, 307 1st Street, Petersburg, AK 99833 Douglas–ADF&G Southeast Regional Office, 802 3rd Street, Douglas, AK 99824
Free Bird Avoidance Lines
Don’t forget, we have free bird avoidance lines available at the PVOA office. Stop by on week days from 9-12 to pick them up.
Sablefish Pots Opening Date, Pot Tags, and VMS
The longline season will open on March 11, it is also official now that the effective date for longline pot gear in the GOA sablefish IFQ fishery will also be March 11, 2017: If you are planning on using pot gear this season, you will need pot tags and a VMS system. The Pot Tag Request form is available from this webpage: Pacific States and NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement have a collaborative reimbursement program for OLE approved VMS systems: OLE approved VMS systems for the Alaska Region are; Skymate l1500 VMS, CLS America Triton Advanced, CLS America Thorium TST A2.0, CLS America Read more…
Dockside Exams in Petersburg and New Fire Extinguisher Requirements
Don’t forget, the USCG will be in Petersburg February 7-10 for dockside exams, you can sign-up at the Harbor Master office. I have had some questions about new fire extinguisher regulations. Attached to this email is a flier explaining it all. If you have the non-refillable extinguishers, these are usually white aluminum cans with plastic handles, these must be replaced every twelve years. They also need to be inspect annually by the vessel owner/operator or crew and initialed and dated on the can. If you have the refillable extinguishers, these are usually red or yellow steel cans with aluminum handles, they are dry chemical or CO2. Dry chemical cans must be inspected by a licensed individual annually and must also be emptied and refilled every 6 years. Every 12 years they have Read more…
2017 Catch Limits
To view the 2017 Catch Limits compared to recent years click here.