Don’t forget, the USCG will be in Petersburg February 7-10 for dockside exams, you can sign-up at the Harbor Master office.
I have had some questions about new fire extinguisher regulations. Attached to this email is a flier explaining it all.
If you have the non-refillable extinguishers, these are usually white aluminum cans with plastic handles, these must be replaced every twelve years. They also need to be inspect annually by the vessel owner/operator or crew and initialed and dated on the can.
If you have the refillable extinguishers, these are usually red or yellow steel cans with aluminum handles, they are dry chemical or CO2. Dry chemical cans must be inspected by a licensed individual annually and must also be emptied and refilled every 6 years. Every 12 years they have to be hydrostatically tested. CO2 refillable extinguishers need to be hydrostatically tested every 5 years.
There are no certified people in Petersburg to inspect refillable fire extinguishers, however, Southeast Extinguisher Service comes to town a few times a year. Their number is (907) 790-2522.
You can find more on new Fire Extinguisher Requirements by clicking here.