The Salmon Task Force meetings and Regional Planning Team (RPT) meetings will be held at the end of the month in Petersburg. The Regional Planning Team meetings address hatchery release permitting and the agenda is listed below. The meetings will be held in the Petersburg Borough Assembly Chambers at the following times:
-Drift Gillnet Task Force meeting is scheduled for November 27, 2018, from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
-Purse Seine Task Force meeting is scheduled for November 28, 2018, from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
-Southeast RPT meeting is scheduled for November 29, 2018, from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
The RPT meeting Agenda Action items include:
Northern Southeast Regional Planning Team (NSERPT)
1 – DIPAC permit alteration request (PAR) to increase the permitted number of rainbow trout eggs received from William Jack Hernandez Sport Fish Hatchery for release in freshwater lakes in the Juneau area (release number stays the same).
2 – Emergency NSRAA PAR to add Keta River stock Chinook salmon to the Hidden Falls Hatchery permit.
3 – NSRAA PAR to add DIPAC chum salmon (40 million eggs) as a backup egg source for releases at Thomas Bay.
Southern Southeast Regional Planning Team (SSERPT)
4 – SSRAA PAR to increase the Whitman Lake Hatchery coho salmon release at Nakat Inlet from the progeny of 600,000 eggs to the progeny of 1.1 million eggs. The Whitman Lake Hatchery permit would increase from 7 million to 7.5 million Chickamin River stock coho salmon eggs. Tabled from Spring Meeting.
5 – SSRAA PAR to add Bakewell Lake as a remote release site for progeny of up to 1,000,000 coho salmon eggs (no increase in capacity).
The RPT Meeting items for Information and Discussion include:
1 – Chinook Planning Team: Informational (Pryor)
2 – NSRAA proposal to release Hidden Falls Hatchery stock coho salmon at Port Malmesbury.
3 – NSRAA proposal to release Andrew Creek stock Chinook salmon at Southeast Cove.
4 – NSRAA proposal to increase production of chum salmon and add Chinook salmon production to the Sawmill Creek Hatchery permit.
5 – NSRAA update on the Little Port Walter public/private partnership.
6 – NSRAA proposal to have ADF&G coordinate fishery closure/opening announcements between Sport Fish and Commercial Fisheries divisions.
7 – SSRAA proposal to add Canoe Pass as a remote release site.
8 – SSRAA discussion on coho salmon releases at Port Asumcion.
9 – RPT meeting outreach/advertisement (Rabung)
10 – Possible amendments to the Comprehensive Salmon Plan (for example: Genetics Policy identifying RPT to designate significant and unique wild stocks and wild stock sanctuaries; and updating Baranof Warm Springs sections to include the last two hatchery permit application reviews/denials (Rabung).